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Man has destroyed the Earth and its elements- the trees, air, water, soil, rivers, plants and seas.  Thus, it is fitting for the Children of Light to protect the Earthly Mother, as it is written.


The food upon my table shares its life with me, as it is given by the Earthly Mother.  As this life force continuously nourishes my body, in return my body shall one day nourish the Earth.  Until that time comes to pass, I shall reward her blessings with kindness, respect, and love.


Thus, anyone breaking the Environmental Laws set forth by the Kingdom of Light commits treason against hue-man kind and the inhabitants of Earth; and shall be subject to full punishment of the law.



For each child that is safely delivered thou shall plant a tree, that the womb of thy Earthly Mother shall bring forth life.  As the womb of woman doth bring forth life, he who doth destroy a tree hath cut off his own limbs and will be subject to full punishment of the law.


"Thus shall sing the Children of Light,

when the earth again shall be a garden:


Holy Tree, divine gift of the Law!    

Thy majesty reunites all those who 

have strayed from their true home,

which is the Garden of the Brotherhood.                              

All men will become brothers once again

under thy spreading branches.                                      

As the Heavenly Father hath loved all

his children, so shall we love and care

for the trees that grow in our land.                                  

So shall we keep and protect them,

that they may grow tall and strong,

and fill the earth again with their beauty.                                                

For the trees are our brothers and sisters

and as brothers and sisters, we shall guard

and love one another."



In the beginning Ahayah gave man dominion over all the creatures of the Earth- to love protect, nourish and multiply. 

However, man has gone astray; he useth his power over the creatures for evil and regardeth the breath of life given

to them by The Creator as nought.

Man shall not rise up to hurt any creatures on Earth, neither shall any creature harm each other.

Beasts shall not rise up against man or beast under the Renewed Edenic Covenant, as it is written:

"The lion shall lie down with the calf, and the leopard with the kid, and the wolf with the lamb,

and the bear with the ass, and the owl with the dove.  And a child of God shall lead them. 

And it shall come to pass, that none shall hurt or destroy in my holy mountain, for my Earth (my sanctuary)

shall be full of the knowledge of the HOLY ONE, even as the waters cover the bed of the sea." 

“And it shall come to pass, in that day that I will make again and renew a covenant with the beasts of the earth,

and the fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea, and with all created things. For all shall know me, and I will

break the bow and the arrow of the hunter, and the sword of the slaughterer, and all the instruments of bloodshed

will I banish from the earth, even forever. And I will surely make all of them, my creatures, to lie down in safety

and in peace, and to live without fear or outcry; for neither shall they hunger nor thirst anymore, but be fed and cherished.

For even as the sun does rise and set each new day, so shall it be in the land blessed by God, wherein all dwell securely."


-Hosea 2:18
And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and with 

the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them

to lie down safety.


"For in the beginning all beasts of the field and fowl of the air and the fishes of the sea, were as the ape, the ox, the horse,

and the sheep-eating the green vegetation of the earth.  And ate not the flesh of another animal neither did man eat the

flesh of animals But ye believe that Moses commanded such creatures to be slain and offered as a sacrifice unto God and eaten.

Ye believe wrongly; ye do not know of temple oblations; for at no time did the True God delight in or demand flesh and

blood offerings, but only the Pure Oblation the unbloody sacrifice of man's obedience to His Holy Law."


"For Abel offered up the grains and fruits of the earth, but God required only Abel's keeping the holy law: for the Pure Oblation

is from the heart of man, that he seeketh after truth and righteousness and pure worship of the Eternal All."


"But I tell ye: Satan, the evil one, maketh the truth a lie, and giveth to the sons of man, flesh and blood, the burnt offering,

the unholy law of evil doers, things that my Holy Father hateth and abhorreth. Know ye not, before ye standeth a one greater

than even Moses! Yea, even the holy one, who Moses spake of is here and restoreth the truth of the law, that all may for a certainty

know that God is True and every man whosoever keepeth not the Holy Law is a liar." 


"For in the beginning all beasts of the field and fowl of the air and the fishes of the sea, were as the ape, the ox, the horse, and the

sheep-eating the green vegetation of the earth. But ye believe that Moses commanded such creatures to be slain and offered as a

sacrifice unto God and eaten. Ye believe wrongly; ye do not know of temple oblations; for at no time did the True God delight in

or demand flesh and blood offerings, but only the Pure Oblation- the unbloody sacrifice of man's obedience to His Holy Law."


"For I tell ye, the Holy Law of Moses and Adam are one; even as my Prophets spake unto Israel, I speak. The Holy Law changeth not,

but evil men speak according to their desires of the flesh and lust after things unlawful. For of that, which ye offer unto God in purity,

ye may eat of freely, for it is lawful, but of that kind which ye offer not in purity, shall ye not eat." 


The hour cometh and now is when all sacrifices and blood feasts shall cease, and ye shall again worship God again purely,

without blood guiltiness of the innocent creatures.



 The Air we breath is the breath of the Earthly Mother- the breath of Life.  Therefore, respect must be given to the Spirit of Air. Wicked men have poisoned the Air with the death of chemtrails (biological warfare) in an effort to impede the knowledge and understanding of the Highest. Anyone found assaulting the Air will face full punishment of the Law.

"We honor the Holy Breath which is placed higher than all the other things created; and we worship the most true Wisdom.
In the midst of the fresh air of the forest and fields, there shalt thou find the Angel of Air.
Patiently she waits for thee to quit the dank and crowded holes of the city.
Seek her, then, and quaff deeply of the healing draught which she doth offer thee.
Breathe long and deeply, that the Angel of Air may be brought within you.
For the rhythm of thy breath is the key of knowledge which doth reveal the Holy Law.
The Angel of Air doth soar on invisible wings:
Yet thou must walk her unseen path if thou wouldst see the face of God.
Sweeter than the finest nectar of honeyed pomegranate is the fragrance of the wind in the grove of cypress.
Sweeter still the scent of the godly,
who do revere and teach the Holy Law.
Holy is the Angel of Air, who doth cleanse all that is unclean and giveth to all evil-smelling things a sweet odor.
Come on, come on, O clouds!
From above down on to the earth,
By thousands of drops.
Through their brightness and glory the winds blow, driving down the clouds toward the never-failing springs.
Vapors rise up from the vales of the mountains, nursed by the wind along the trail of the Law which increaseth the kingdom of Light.
The Heavenly Father hath made the earth by his power.        

He hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by His will.            

When He uttereth His voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, and He causeth the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth;

He maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his breath.              

As the sea is the gathering place of the waters, rising up and going down.                                                  

Up the aerial way and down on to the Earth, and up again the aerial way: Thus rise, up and roll along! And for whose rising and growing the Heavenly Father hath made the eternal and sovereign luminous Space.                                                

No man may come before the Face of God whom the Angel of Air letteth not pass.                  

Thy body must breathe the air of the Earthly Mother, as thy spirit must breathe the Holy Law of the Heavenly Father."



Water is the natural element on Earth and within our bodies which is given to sustain life.  Therefore, as one protects his own life he must likewise protect the water. The rivers, the seas, the the waterfalls, the ponds the lakes, streams and oceans shall not be assaulted in any shape form or fashion.  The waters of the kingdom of light shall in no wise be assaulted.  The Kingdom of Light shall possess full access to the natural rivers which are available and/or closest to its location.  No poison or any kind of chemical shall be dumped in any of the Earth's water sources. Doing so will be a considered an act of genocide and violation of International Law for Indigenous peoples.


"The waters of  the Earth are a gift from the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother:                    

From the Heavenly Seat the Waters run and flow forward from the never-failing Springs.              

To the dry and barren desert have the Brothers brought the Angel of Water, that she might bring forth a garden and a green place, tree-filled and fragrant with flowers.

Cast thyself into the enfolding arms of the Angel of Water: for she shall cast out from thee all that is unclean and evil.                            

Let my love flow toward thee, Heavenly Father, as the river flows to the sea.                                      

And let thy love flow to me, Heavenly Father, as the gentle rain doth kiss the earth.                      

The rain waters are from the heavens and are good for drinking and watering the vineyards.          

As a river through the forest is the Holy Law.                                          

All creatures depend on it and it denieth nothing to any being.    

The Law is to the world of men what a great river is to streams and brooks.                                        

As rivers of water in a dry place are the Brothers who bringeth the Holy Law to the world of men.       I

n water mayest thou drown, and in water mayest thou quench thy thirst.                                        

Thus is the Holy Law a two-edged sword:                                            

By the Law mayest thou destroy thyself, and by the Law mayest thou see God.        

Heavenly Father!                        

From thy Heavenly Sea flow all the waters that spread over all the seven Kingdoms.                         T

his Heavenly Sea of thine alone goeth on bringing Waters both in Summer and Winter and in all seasons.                                         T

his Sea of thine purifieth the seed in males, the womb in females, and the milk in female's breasts.      

Thy Heavenly Sea floweth down unrestrained unto the big-seeded corn fields, unto the small-seeded pasture fields, and unto the whole of the Earthly world.                          

A thousand pure springs run toward the pastures that give food to the Children of Light.            

If any one shall sacrifice unto thee, O thou holy Angel of Water!

To that one dost thou give both splendor and glory, with health and with vigor of the body.                    

To him dost thou give a long enduring life, and the Heavenly Sea, thereafter.                

We worship all the holy waters which do quench the thirst of the Earth.                                                

All the holy waters that the Creator hath made, and all the plants which the Creator hath made, all of which are holy.                

We do worship the Water of Life, and all waters upon the Earth, whether standing, or running, or waters of the well.                          

Or spring-waters which perennially flow, or the blessed drippings of the rains.                                        

We do sacrifice unto the good and holy waters which the Law hath created.                                      

Let the sea roar, and all the waters. The world, and they that dwell therein.                                      

Let the floods clap their hands, let the hills be joyful together.

The voice of the Lord is upon the waters:                                            

The God of Glory thundereth.

Heavenly Father!              

And thou, Angel of Water!      

We are thankful to thee, and we bless thy name.                      

A flood of love welleth up from the hidden places beneath the earth:                        

The Brotherhood is blessed forever in the Holy Water of Life."



Man is the son of the Earth and was taken from her, as a baby is taken from the womb of its mother.  Likewise, hue-man is taken from the dust of the ground and must nourish it, as a young man nourishes his elderly parents and cares for them.

"We invoke the Abundant Earth!
That possesseth health and happiness and is more powerful
than all its Creatures.
This wide earth do we praise, expanded far with paths.
The productive, the full-bearing,
thy mother, holy plant!
We praise the lands where thou dost grow.                              

Sweet scented, swiftly spreading, the good growth of the Earthly Mother.
We praise the good, the strong, the beneficent Earth, who doth rejoice in the dew of heaven, the fatness of the Earth, and the abundant harvest of corn and grapes.
We praise the high mountains, rich in pastures and in waters, upon which run the many streams and rivers.
We praise the holy plants of the Angel of Earth, which grow up from the ground to nourish animals and men.
To nourish the Children of Light.
The Earth is the strong Preserver.
The Holy Preserver, the Maintainer!
We praise the strength and vigor
of the powerful Preserver, the Earth, created by the Heavenly Father!
We praise the healers of the earth,
They who know the secrets of the herbs and plants; to the healers hath the Angel of Earth revealed her ancient knowledge.
The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth, and he that is wise shall use them.
Was not the water made sweet with wood, that the virtue thereof might be known?
And to certain of the brothers he hath given skill, that the Law might be honored and fulfilled.
With such do they heal men, and taketh away their pains.
And of their works there is no end; and from them is peace over all the Earth.
Then give place to the healers, and honor them, for the Heavenly Father hath created them:
Let them not go from thee, for thou hast need of them.
We praise the tillers of the soil, who work together in the Garden of the Brotherhood.
In the fields which the Lord hath blessed:
He who would till the earth,
With the left arm and with the right, unto him will She bring forth plenty of fruit, and wholesome green plants and golden grain.
Sweetness and fatness will flow out from that land and from those fields, along with health and healing, with fullness and increase and plenty.
He who sows corn, grass and fruit soweth the Holy Law:
He maketh the Law of the Creator to progress.
When all the earth shall be a garden, then shall all the bodily world become free from old age and death- from corruption and rot,
forever and forever.
Mercy and truth shall be met together, righteousness and peace shall kiss each other.
Truth shall spring out of the earth,
and glory shall dwell in our land."


**United Nation's Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)**

[Article 32]

1. Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop 
priorities and strategies for the development or use of their lands or territories and other resources. 
2. States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of minerals, water or other resources. 
3. States shall provide effective mechanisms for just and fair redress for any such activities, and appropriate measures shall be taken to mitigate adverse environmental, economic, social, cultural or spiritual impact.

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